This document establishes the conditions and obligations applicable to visitors (hereinafter “User” or “Client”) of RIOFRONTERA SL (hereinafter “LIMITEZERO“), when participating in the Cross-Border Zipline activity. Regarding security, MANDATORY nature, while the processing of personal data is optional. LIMITEZERO carries out maintenance sessions annually and periodically renews the equipment necessary to carry out the activity in accordance with European standards, however, the cross-border zip line is an adventure activity that for its Realization and enjoyment requires users to know, respect and apply the security conditions established by the company in accordance with the following postulates:
FIRST. Inherent risk.
Ziplining is an adventure sport that can entail physical and emotional risks. Such risks may include trips, slips, falls and collisions with objects or people, subject to external factors beyond the responsibility of the company.
This activity takes place in a natural environment on terrain that may be rugged, exposed or unconditioned. Therefore, the user and assistants must be aware and trained to navigate in this environment.
In order to carry out the activity, all participants must purchase the ticket and sign the registration form or, where appropriate, complete the online form, which implicitly acknowledges having read, understood and accepted all of these conditions of participation and being informed in detail of the activity you are going to carry out.
LIMITEZERO will not be responsible, in any case, for the personal effects of the user. At the time of accessing the activity and before being equipped with the harness, you must have already put your personal belongings safely away (keys, mobile phone, wallet, etc.)
SECOND. Compliance with safety instructions.
It is MANDATORY to know and follow the safety rules established by LIMITEZERO, including the proper use of safety equipment and compliance with staff instructions. In addition, to commit to and ensure that the people in the user’s care also comply with these rules, which are as follows:
- Truly inform that a maximum weight of 105 kg and a minimum of 40 kg is met.
- Follow the safety instructions provided by the staff throughout the tour, which consist of the following:
- Both hands on the pulley throughout the entire journey, maintaining control of the direction of flight.
- Arms extended creating space between the face and the lifeline when braking.
- Legs in a vertical position, throughout the entire journey as a method of speed control.
- Feet together throughout the flight.Informar verídicamente que se cumple con un peso máximo de 105 kg y mínimo de 40kg.
LIMITEZERO will not be responsible, under any circumstances, for claims from users or participants if the information provided by them is not real or they have been subject to false statements or if the conditions of participation have not been respected by the users.
THIRD. Meteorological conditions.
Under the understanding that the activity is subject to weather conditions such as wind, which in certain cases accelerates the speed of heavier clients, the zip line staff reserves the right to reduce the maximum weight up to 100 kg. Likewise, in the event of a thunderstorm or other extreme conditions, LIMITEZERO reserves the right to change schedules and/or cancel or postpone activities, offering alternative agendas for clients and, where appropriate, a refund.
If the weather conditions are not suitable for its completion, the participant may choose to change the date of the activity or to receive a refund of the amount.
Fourth. Physical or mental condition.
The user confirms that neither he nor the people under his care present physical, mental or emotional conditions that could put his health at risk, nor that of other visitors or LIMITEZERO staff.
By signing the registration, the user declares that they do not suffer from any illness incompatible with the practice of adventure sports, are not pregnant, suffer from any heart condition or allergy incompatible with the activity, are not under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or narcotics, as well as any other medication that may compromise your stability, reflexes, or affect your abilities.
The lack of physical or mental conditions of any of the attendees or users may lead to the suspension of the activity, without liability for LIMITEZERO or obligation to reimburse or reschedule the activity.
FIFTH. Manifestation of special medical condition.
Assume the responsibility of informing the LIMITEZERO staff about any pre-existing medical condition that may affect my participation or that of the people under my care in the Zipline activities, recognizing that in any case the use of the same is my responsibility according to Medical indications.
SIXTH. Co-responsibility.
LIMITEZERO hereby undertakes to provide users with facilities and equipment in accordance with European safety standards for carrying out the activity, as well as fully trained personnel who emphasize the importance of following the safety instructions stipulated above and Resolve users’ doubts with kindness and respect.
SEVENTH. Primary Medical Care.
I authorize LIMITEZERO staff to provide primary medical care in case of emergency, exempting them from all responsibility.
EIGHTH. Admission rights.
The user authorizes and acknowledges that, at any time, LIMITEZERO staff may terminate their participation in the zip line activity, and/or suspend services within the facilities, if, in the opinion of LIMITEZERO staff, any behavior of the user and/or the people under their care that may affect the safety and/or an environment of respect for the staff and clients of LIMITEZERO, their property and/or person, as well as third parties who are in the facilities ; without this action implying breach of contract, the return of the money paid or the possibility of any claim for damages against LIMITEZERO.
NINETH. Tutorships.
Minors must always be accompanied by an accredited legal guardian: adult, parents, or relatives, teacher or monitor who takes care of them. The user guarantees that, if he is not the parent or legal representative of the minors who registered in this Document, the corresponding authorization to sign this document on his behalf has been granted by the parent or legal representative, a situation that It must be made known to the LIMITEZERO staff at the facilities before purchasing the ticket that will be delivered by the staff.
TENTH. Waiver of Future Claims.
The user renounces to present any type of direct, judicial or extrajudicial claim and/or demand against LIMITEZERO, in the event of any damage or loss resulting from: a) the execution of prohibited behaviors or; b) the materialization of natural and inherent risks to the activities carried out in the zip line facilities, for which I am aware and responsible, which is ratified by signing this document or acquiring the corresponding ticket.
In case of cancellation by users, with up to 72 hours’ notice you can opt for a change of dates or a full refund, with less than 24 hours’ notice you can only opt for a change of dates. Failure to show up for the activity on the date and time means the full loss of the ticket amount. The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance and understanding of these CONDITIONS